There are many reasons why you need landlord insurance or property owners insurance. Primarily landlord insurance or property owners insurance offers protection to:
You: As an individual or as a limited partnership or company, you need Insurance to protect your investment – both the bricks and mortar, and also the revenue that is derived from the rental property. Accidents do happen, and in this time of tighter budgets none of us can afford the risk of an insured incident happening to your property - especially if this responsible to rectify.
As a Buy-to-Let property owner – managing the day to day “business” of renting - a single house, block of flats, or a portfolio of properties, means that you have given both time and money to an asset. This asset is something that you wish to see provide a return on – either in the long term as a valuable property linked to your pension provision or a monthly revenue stream which you are dependent on. As with any asset this needs protection and rented property insurance or “Landlords insurance” is designed to protect:
A) The cost of repairs if your property is damaged by fire, storm, flood and Lightning
B) The cost of replacing contents as part of your Buy-to-Let agreement in the circumstance as outlined above
C) Liability to Third Parties and your Tenants (and their property )which are damaged as a result of work you are carrying out on your property
D) Protecting the rental income of your property following an incident that results in you being unable to received rent, or having to provide alternative accommodation for tenants following and insured incident.
E) Providing Employers’ Liability insurance for tradesmen that are employed to maintain your property.